So Exciting
Someone in Italy wrote a blog entry about us.
It's really cool, naming us "the case of the rival toolbar, but friend of the users" :) and especially acknowledging the script we included that shows all thumbnails images in searches, not just the ones of the sellers that paid for additional services.
Grazie per la tua visita e il articulo sulla nostra toolbar :)
It's really cool, naming us "the case of the rival toolbar, but friend of the users" :) and especially acknowledging the script we included that shows all thumbnails images in searches, not just the ones of the sellers that paid for additional services.
Grazie per la tua visita e il articulo sulla nostra toolbar :)

You're Great!!! The toolbar works fine and it's all I evr wanted for my Firefox. Thank you!
It would be good to put online the source code in order to let the people translate the bar in many languages.
Thank you again for your good work.
Long life to the open source world!
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